You don't choose your family.

They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

-- Desmond Tutu


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, November 2, 2012

Ella is 12 months old

Singing Happy Birthday!

Ella is 12 months old!

Happy birthday to our beautiful angel!! Ella is now 1 year old! She is growing up so quickly. We are so very proud of her. She is our little firecracker and her huge smile is infectious! She always makes us laugh and has such a happy disposition. We thank God for her every day and can't imagine life without our little Belly Boo : )
This month's stats: 19 lbs 8.4 oz

Nicknames: E, Belly, Lil Sissy, Boo

Likes: Anything crunchy, like goldfish, wheat thins, chex cereal, puffs, cheerios, pretzel sticks, etc. Her other fave is watermelon! She eats fruit, veggies, meat, cheese, and pasta too. And she likes grilled cheese sandwiches : ) She also likes brushing her teeth.

Dislikes: Being told "NO!" This results in a total meltdown...she definitely has quite a temper :)

After being told she wasn't allowed to touch my coffee
Milestones: Ella is walking all over the house these days. She mastered that skill so quickly and she can really move these days : ) She loves to follow Sissy around and explore in general. She now has 10 teeth and she's got some molars coming in too! She learned how to drink from a straw on her first try. Ella also celebrated her first Halloween! She went as a bumble bee and loved riding in the wagon and watching Lia running up to knock on doors.
Learning to drink from a straw

Rapunzel and Baby Bee all ready for trick or treating

Feeding: Ella has 4 bottles/sippy cups a day, usually about Horizon Organic Whole Milk. She eats the same things we do now, like spaghetti and mac and cheese, along with her fruit, veggies, and other snacks.

Sleeping: She sleeps about 7:00 pm to 6:00 am. She takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap, each usually lasting about an hour and a half.

Behavior: She is very out-going, independent and brave. She will try anything and doesn't seem to have any fears! She loves to play with Lia and explore.

Walking around the new house
Clothes: 12 months

Favorite Moments: We took a great trip to the cabin, then to see Nana and Papa (the girls stayed 3 nights there while Daddy and I took our own little trip to Highlands, NC.) Lia and Ella had SO much fun staying with their Nana and Papa, going to "school" with them, and playing with their cousins, who they just adore!! Thanks again for keeping the kids for us - we all had a blast!!

With Nana on the back porch

Looking Forward To: More talking! She loves to babble right now and will just talk your ear off, but I still can't understand anything she is trying to tell me...

The 12 month comparison:
I think Ella is just about the spitting image of me at this age!
Sweet Lia at age 1

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