You don't choose your family.

They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

-- Desmond Tutu


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

10 months old...

...and Lia's first bubble bath!

Lia turned 10 months on the 15th, and we had so much fun taking her first bubble bath the following night! She tried to eat the bubbles, and ended up making a horrible face and spitting them back out. Besides that, she loved playing with the bubbles and had lots of fun. Philip and I really can't believe how time flies! She is growing up so fast!! Here are some of the things Lia is doing at 10 months:

-Waving and saying "Hi" to everyone (including clouds, airplanes, all animals, and anyone she sees when we stroll through the neighborhood)

-Crawling really well (and getting very fast too!)

-Pulling herself up from sitting to standing (we woke up to her standing up in her crib for the first time the other morning)

-Dancing and "singing" every time she hears music : )

-Petting Miller and Gus as much as they will let her, she's doing good with "gentle" and not pulling hair

-Going to bed at 6:45 p.m. and waking up about 6:15 a.m.

-Taking two naps a day, about 45 minutes around 9:30 a.m. and an hour to hour and a half around 1:30 p.m.

-Eating all table foods. She started spitting out every bite when she decided she was too old for baby food, so we had to switch over to little cut up pieces of food that she can pick up herself and put in her mouth to chew

-She loves watermelon, avacado, turkey, peas, cheerios (My mom commented that God must have invented Cheerios especially for moms, and I have to say that I definitely agree with her!!) tomatoes, and mandarin oranges.

-She is still not allowed to have any dairy. Our doctor says we will try whole milk when she turns one and see what kind of reaction she has to it, then go from there.

-She only has a couple weeks left in her swimming lessons, and she loves being in the water! We practice climbing up out of the pool, falling in and and grabbing the wall, floating on our back, kicking our legs, reaching and pulling with our arms, and going under to swim from Mama to teacher and back again.

-About to outgrow her 9 month footed pjs, and wearing 12 month clothes in everything else.

-Starting to play with a sippy cup with water. She like to show you how she can pick it up and put it in her mouth, but she doesn't really drink out of it yet.

-She has 4 teeth now, the top two just came in recently.

-She opens her mouth for us to brush her little teeth before bed and holds her head still and grins at me when I clean her little ears out with a q-tip.

-Her crib is in the lowest position, and we had to remove the bumper pad now that she is standing up so she won't use it to climb up and tumble out.

We are so blessed to have such an incredible daughter! She is the light of our lives, and we could not be more proud of her : ) Here are some pics from her bubble bath fun...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Sage!

Today, we went to Sage's first birthday party! The theme was sports, and everything turned out so cute! The invitations were tickets, like you would get for a football or baseball game, which requested that you wear your favorite team jersey to the party. Then, at the party, Keri and Ryan had concession stand type food - french fries, nachos, popcorn, hot dogs, etc. They also had all these sports "stations" with different games for the kids to play. We had a great time and were so glad to be there to celebrate Sage's first birthday. I can't believe how fast these kids are growing up! Here are some pictures from the day...