You don't choose your family.

They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

-- Desmond Tutu


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ella gets ear tubes

Brave girl in pre-op

Daddy kept her entertained when she got fussy

Fast asleep in the car on the way home
Yesterday, Ella had surgery to get tubes put in her ears. After six ear infections in six months, we are praying that these tubes put an end to Ella's non-stop infections and continuous ear pain. She was, as always, an angel through the whole ordeal. We had to get up at 3:45 am to be at the surgery center for the first appointment of the day. Ella was not allowed to eat or drink prior to the procedure, so she started to get a bit fussy around 6:30, probably both from not having breakfast and from being woken up so early! They took her back at 6:45 am, and we were only in the waiting room 10 minutes before her doctor came to say all went well and she was in recovery. It was a bit unnerving waiting for her to wake up, but it only took about 5 minutes for her to come out of the anesthesia. She was fussy and confused, but took a bottle and settled down quickly once we got her in the car to head home. We are so happy to have that behind us, and we are looking forward to no more ear infections for our baby girl!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ella is 10 months old!

My how time flies! I really can't believe our baby girl is already 10 months old, and that one year mark is just right around the corner. We are so blessed to have another amazing little angel! She is an absolute joy, and we could not be more proud of her : )

This month's stats: 18 lbs. Believe it or not, our poor little bug got her 5th ear infection, so we are scheduled for surgery on 9/12/12 for her to get tubes put in her ears : (

Nicknames: E, Belly button, Lil Sissy, Boo

Likes: Cheerios! Now that she is getting better at feeding herself she has developed a new love affair with cheerios : )

Dislikes: She gets upset when Mama walks out of the room now.
Milestones: Ella has a great little bear crawl! She has also started standing up unassisted and will probably take that first step any day now. She like to say "Sissy" a lot now too. She also got 2 more bottom teeth, for a grand total of 6 teeth, and I think the other 2 tops are about to break through too.

Feeding: Ella has 4 bottles a day, usually about 6 oz. each of Similac Soy formula using Dr. Brown's level 3 nipples and wide neck bottles. She is now eating more table foods and less baby food. She likes cheese, black beans, fruit and of course puffs, cheerios, yogurt melts and goldfish. She can use a sippy cup now and likes to drink water with her meals and snacks. She picked up on it so quickly, I didn't really even have to show her how to use it. I just gave it to her one day and she grabbed it, put it in her mouth, and tilted it up!

Sleeping: She sleeps about 7:00 pm to 7:00 am. She takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap, each usually lasting about an hour and a half.

Behavior: She is very out-going, independent and brave. She will try anything and doesn't seem to have any fears! She loves to play with Lia and explore.

Clothes: 12 months

Favorite Moments: We took one last trip to the beach and she was able to enjoy it a bit more now that she's a little bigger. We had fun swimming in the pool and going to all our favorite restaurants! We also got to meet her new teachers and she will be starting MDO next week.
Exploring her new classroom at Meet the Teacher Day

A little love from sister at the beach

Looking Forward To: Walking!

The 10 month comparison:

War Eagle!

We are all dressed for the first game of the season!! WDE!