You don't choose your family.

They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

-- Desmond Tutu


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Family fun!

Ella loved sitting at the coffee table with her big Sissy to eat PBJs for lunch - I can't believe how fast she is growing up, and I am so proud of the love that she and Lia have for each other already!

Lia and Ella made a super special birthday card for Papa

Ella having a bottle on Daddy's chest in the playroom before bedtime

That look right there...that's our girl ; )

A bath in the kitchen sink is so much fun!
Sweet Miller slept through the whole process of Lia covering him with all the blankets and pillows she could find, then stacking her Princesses and stuffed animals around too - HA!

Christmas morning 2012!!!!

Santa's snowy footprints on the carpet!
Good morning, Merry Christmas, Can we go see if Santa came????

All smiles in Mama and Daddy's bed!    

I love you!! Ella giving Lia a huge hug and a kiss - such sweet sisters!

Lia's side
Ella's side

Wow! The Cato girls must've been extra good this year! : )
Yay!!! A trampoline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I jump on that too?

Of course you can!!

Lia and Daddy playing with Cinderella's carriage. What a great Daddy! This is a good look for him : )

Ella playing the harmonica - so talented!

Ella laughing at Sissy's silly face : )

Lia's new bike helmet

Miller was all tuckered out after a morning of opening presents and playing with new toys...

Ella playing with her new kitchen : )

Putting on her pretty new necklace

Daddy and Ella playing with the princess castle

Barbie clothes!

Christmas Eve pics

The awesome turkey that Philip smoked!
Ella fell down in the driveway and skinned both knees while she was helping Daddy smoke the turkey

All dressed up for Christmas Eve Children's Mass

After baths, wearing the new pjs Spaggy left, not ready to go to bed yet!

Lia and Mama made pretzel kisses to leave out for Santa
Lia did such a great job putting the hershey kiss hugs and m&m's on top : )
Ella wanted to help too!
Getting sleepy now...
Daddy reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas just like he does every year : )

Lia's Ballet/tap class at Little Gym