You don't choose your family.

They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

-- Desmond Tutu


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 30, 2012

Class pictures - Spring 2012

Lia - 2 1/2 yrs

Birth to 6 months...

Ella is 6 months old

Ella is 6 months old!

My how the time flies! Our little Ella is already half a year old. I am constantly amazed by her and trying desperately to remember every detail as she grows up so quickly. Ella - you are my sunny little girl and you bring such joy to our family. We thank God daily for giving us such a wonderful gift in you!! We love you so much baby!
Here are this month's stats:

26 inches tall (61st percentile) and 14 lb 13.4 oz (27th percentile)

Nicknames: E, Ella Bella, Sissy, Lil Sister, Little Egg (Lia calls her this now after pretending that we were all birds in a nest together)

Likes: Lia and Miller! Playing in the exersaucer. And putting everything in her mouth : )

Dislikes: being left by herself, being laid down for a nap, dropping a toy out of reach
Milestones: Ella got her first tooth!! It's her bottom right : ) And her bottom left is pushing through as well. Ella is eating fruits too! She likes applesauce, bananas, peaches, and prunes. She is also getting really good at sitting up by herself. It seems like she mastered that skill overnight! Her back and neck muscles are much stronger now, and she likes to jump around in the exersaucer : )

Feeding: Ella has 4 bottles a day, usually about 6 oz. each of Similac Soy formula using Dr. Brown's level 3 nipples and wide neck bottles. She also eats one 2.5 oz serving of fruit for breakfast, one veggie for lunch and one of each for supper.

Sleeping: She goes to bed at 7:00 pm and sleeps until between 5:30 and 7:30 am. She usually takes 3 naps per day.

Behavior: She is always smiling! She loves splashing in the tub, hearing daddy's voice, and watching Lia dance and sing. She has started making more sounds, and really likes to say "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm" and "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh" over and over again.

Clothes: 9-12 months

Favorite Moments: Every time Ella wakes up and I get to go in her room and pick her up, she gives me that 1000 watt smile and some sweet giggles, and my heart melts. I am so in love with my precious girl! Honestly, sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I actually miss her because I haven't seen her all night! I know, it's a crazy mommy thing : )

Looking Forward To: She seems so perfect to me right now, that I'm having a hard time coming up with a good answer for this one...BUT I am excited about her first words and I have been coaching her pretty hard to say "Mama" so we'll see : )

The 6 month comparison:

Chewing on Tiny Tim the turtle
Chewing on Carlos the crab
Sitting up in the tub, happy as can be!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy 3rd birthday Sage!

 We had a great time this weekend at Houston Oaks celebrating Sage's birthday! It was a beautiful day spent with great friends!! Happy birthday Sage : )

A kiss from the birthday boy
Fun with Daddy

Cookie cake!

Fast asleep in the dugout while the big kids ran the bases

Loving the tire swing
Bounce house with Daddy
with Emily and Luke

Happy girl!
All dressed up for the party!

A beautiful day at Houston Oaks

Thursday, April 26, 2012

HUGE bed

Lia has reached another milestone - she has moved out of the toddler bed and into her NEW HUGE bed! She loves it, and has been sleeping really well in it.

All smiles snuggled up in her big bed

Watching a movie in bed with Daddy

Monday, April 23, 2012

Rachel's wedding! First round, more to come later...

Drinks after running all the last minute errands on Thursday

Checking into our hotel on Friday afternoon
Getting ready for the rehearsal on Friday evening
Bubbles and Nanny at the rehearsal

Wedding kids at the rehearsal

The "bow"quet : )
Rachel with the Laurens at the rehearsal

Me and P at the rehearsal dinner
The beautiful baskets Rachel gave us as bridesmaids gifts

Getting ready in the bridal suite on Saturday morning

Campbell and Lia all ready for flower girl duty
Our gorgeous flowers!

Me and the beautiful bride about an hour before the ceremony
Getting Harrison dressed
We all signed the bottom of Rachel's shoes
Mama and Lia all dressed up!

Meg touching up the bride's make-up
Putting on the dress!
Ann making sure the jewelry was just right
Putting on the garter
Philip stopped by the bridal suite a few minutes before to wish Rach luck
Cliff and Emily at the reception

Eating with Mimi at the reception

Enjoying the party with my hubby and my girl!