You don't choose your family.

They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

-- Desmond Tutu


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fun with Sage

Lia and I went a a ride with Sage and Keri on the golf cart yesterday, then the kids played at our house for a little while. They had so much fun! At one point, they were giving each other kisses and hugs!! It was adorable!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lia's 1 yr check up

Yesterday, Lia went to the doctor for her 1-yr visit. We decided to split her shots up into 2 trips, so we'll be going back in a month to get the rest, but she had to half yesterday, which consisted of shots 2 and a finger prick : ( This was the hardest appointment yet because she was so aware of what was happening. She cried (and of course I did my best to hold it together and did surprisingly well his time!) She weighs 19 lbs 1 oz. She is 24 inches tall. She is in the 10-15 percentile for weight. She is now old enough for us to try her on whole cow's milk. We will give that a go tomorrow and hope that she has grown out of her allergy! It's also time to say bye-bye to bottles and move solely to the sippy cup. She did great with it this morning, so day 1 is going well so far! Lia is a happy, healthy 1 year old. We are so proud of her!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New birthday pics!!

Here are a few pics from the birthday festivities!

Lia's cake at the beach matched her invitations and she also had a little one just for her to put her fingers in.

Lunch with Daddy at Kiva Dunes Grill on the 4th

Riding in her big girl car seat to have lunch with Daddy at Clay's, Wearing her party hat eating with Mama at Clay's

We had so much fun at the Aquarium! All the kids loved watching the fish while we ate lunch, then we all walked through the exhibit and saw fish, birds, snakes, alligators, and white tigers!

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's been awhile...

Sorry for the lapse in posting lately, we are are having computer problems and I haven't been able to download any pictures from our camera to the computer to post. As soon as I get a CD with Lia's birthday pics on it from Uncle Cliff, I will post a bunch. The party was a blast! Lia and everyone else seemed to have a great time! She got so many wonderful gifts, including a rocking horse, a bubble machine, a push toy, and a real fish tank with two fish from me and Philip. Thanks so much to everyone who came to the beach to celebrate with us!

Yesterday, for Lia's official birthday, Philip and I took her to lunch at Clay's where they have horses, donkeys, goats, and chickens outside. She liked watching all the other kids in the restaurant while we ate. She cried the first two times we got close to the horses, but on the third try, she had calmed down was waving at them. She got to ride to lunch in her big-girl car seat too! Here is a pic:

On Saturday, we are going to the aquarium with her Houston friends, and I'm sure we will have a great time!

Lia has had a wonderful "birthday month." We can't believe that she is a year old already! Now I understand the expression "they grow up too fast."

Here are some things that Lia is doing at age 1:

-Sleeping from 6:30 or 7:00 pm to 6:30 or 7:00 am
-Taking two naps per day, one at 9:30 and another at 2:00
-Eating bagels all by herself for breakfast (she likes to hold it and take bites rather than have us cut it up for her)
-"Walking" while we hold her arms
-Yesterday, she stood up without holding onto anything for the first time
-Crawling all over the house!
-Crawling up the stairs (thanks for teaching her that one Daddy)
-She loves to swing in the backyard
-She loves to swim in the pool
-She loves to read books and throw balls
-She climbs all over Miller, we are working on "gentle" petting for both Miller and Gus
-She likes to find Miller's bone and take it to him so he can grab it out of her hand
-She loves to wear her sunglasses outside
-She's a great traveler and does well both in the car and on the plane
-Still wearing size 3 diapers
-Wearing 12 month size clothes but still only 6-9 month size shoes - tiny feet!
-She has said "snack, ball, mama, dada, and hi" but doesn't talk frequently, preferring to point at everything
-Her eyes are still blue and we are convinced that they are going to stay that way
-Her hair seems to get lighter daily and could very well be blonde by the end of summer
-She gives kisses and likes to snuggle with Mama and Daddy
-She loves to watch birds and planes and points to the sky every time she hears a plane coming by

She is a joy and we are blessed to have such a precious daughter!

Happy 1st birthday Lia!! We love you!!!!