You don't choose your family.

They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

-- Desmond Tutu


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ella is 8 months old : )

Nicknames: E, Belly (for some reason that one has stuck even though I know she is going to hate me for calling her that when she gets older), Lil Sissy

Likes: Lia, Miller, bath time, swinging!

Dislikes: being sick : ( My poor baby had strep and then another ear infection. We had to give her two kinds of antibiotics this time. After 3 straight weeks of sickness, she is finally turning a corner and we have seen improvement in the last few days.
Milestones: We had to move Ella's mattress from the top position down to the bottom because she learned how to pull herself up and we were worried she might fall out. She has also started using her sippy cup to practice drinking water, and she's getting really good at it : )


Feeding: Ella has 4 bottles a day, usually about 6 oz. each of Similac Soy formula using Dr. Brown's level 3 nipples and wide neck bottles. She also eats one 3.5 oz serving of fruit for breakfast, one veggie for lunch and one of each for supper.

Sleeping: She goes to bed at 7:00 pm and sleeps until 6:30 am. She usually stays awake about 2 1/2 hours between naps. She is trying to drop that 3rd nap and only take two long naps per day lately.

Behavior: She is always smiling! She has started to give me big, open-mouthed, slobbery kisses, which Philip thinks is gross and I just adore!

Clothes: 12 months

Favorite Moments: I swear I heard her say Mama the other day, but it hasn't happened again. I'm so excited to hear her talking!

Looking Forward To: Crawling! She is so close right now, lunging forward into the crawling position from sitting and even rocking back and forth, bu not quite crawling yet...

The 8 month comparison:


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Princess Lia

Lia is a true girlie girl! She is always accessorized to the max : ) The other night she insisted on wearing her pearls (from Rachel's wedding) and her "crown" to bed. I thought it was so funny, I just had to take a pic!

Jump Jump Jump!

Ella is really loving the exersaucer these days! She loves to Jump, Jump, Jump!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

7 months (a little late)

Ella at 7 months old

Here are this month's stats:

15 lbs 11.5 oz.

Nicknames: E, Belly, Sissy

Likes: Lia and Miller! Water : )

Playing in the baby pool at the beach

Dislikes: being left by herself, dropping a toy out of reach
Milestones: Ella has two big bottom front teeth. She can sit up by herself, and she is trying really hard to get crawling!

Feeding: Ella has 4 bottles a day, usually about 6 oz. each of Similac Soy formula using Dr. Brown's level 3 nipples and wide neck bottles. She also eats one 3.5 oz serving of fruit for breakfast, one veggie for lunch and one more for supper.

Sleeping: She goes to bed at 7:00 pm and sleeps until between 5:30 and 7:30 am. She usually takes 3 naps per day.

Behavior: She is always smiling! People are always commenting about her happy disposition : ) She is trying to talk a lot, and we are expecting that first word any day now. Her favorite sound is "bu-bu-bu, ba-ba-ba"

Clothes: 9-12 months

Favorite Moments: Hearing Ella and Lia laughing together. When Lia is dancing and singing, Ella just gets to cackling and that gets Lia laughing so hard too. Listening to the two of them play together just does something to my heart...

Getting all snuggled up together in bed at the condo

Looking Forward To: Crawling and her first words

The 7 month comparison:
Sitting in the pack n play with her toys outside
Lia at 7 months

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memorial Day beach trip 2012

Lia and Uncle CLiff "fishing" on her float in the pool
Ella swimming with Daddy
Grandaddy and Lia digging in the bowl of sand and shells
With Mimi - matching hats : )

Mimi, Lia, Grandaddy and Ella at Tacky Jack's for supper

Mama and Ella drying off outside after bath time

Daddy, Lia, Grandaddy and Uncle Cliff flying kites on the boardwalk

Lia building sandcastles

Lia looking for shells
Lia and Daddy putting toes in the ocean

Ella playing on the beach
Ella and Lia snuggled up at the condo
Lia doing the splits on the beach
Ella and Daddy watching the waves
Ella and Lia playing on the beach at the condo
Ella having fun at the condo
Lia and Daddy standing in the shark's mouth at Souvenir City
Lia and Daddy all set to go crab hunting
Lia and Daddy searching for crabs on the beach
Lia got to stay up after dark to look for crabs with Daddy